2. The financial year of RBI is from 1 July to 30 June.
3.RBI is responsible only for printing the currency notes. Minting of coins is done by the Government of India.
4. The first woman to become the deputy governor of RBI is K. J. Udeshi. She was appointed in 2003.
5. RBI demonetized notes in the denominations of five thousand rupees (Rs. 5,000) and ten thousand rupees (Rs. 10,000) in 1938. They were reintroduced in 1954 and again demonetized in 1978. RBI can print these notes according to the RBI act of 1934.
6. RBI was also the central bank for two other countries. It played the role of Central Bank of Pakistan till June 1948 and the Central Bank of Burma ( Myanmar) till April 1947.
7. The bank was established on the recommendation of the Hilton Young Commission.
8. RBI does not have second class employees. It has 17000 Class I, Class III & Class IV employees.
9. Manmohan Singh is the only Prime Minister to have also served as the Governor of RBI.
10. The first Indian to hold the position of the Governor of RBI was Mr. C.D. Deshmukh. He was the third governor of RBI.
11. RBI has 29 offices in India which are mostly located in the state capitals.
12.RBI runs a Monetary Museum in the premises of the Mumbai head office.
13.On Indian Rupees you can’t find these “I, J, O, X, Y, Z” alphabets / letters on the number panel. As in these case RBI only have twenty alphabets are used as insets. For security reasons, Reserve Bank of India doesn’t reveal which inset alphabet/ letters are assigned for which printing press.
14. Initially the headquarter of RBI was in Calcutta (now Kolkata) but in 1937 it was permanently moved to Mumbai, Maharastra.
15. RBI is a member bank of the Asian Clearing Union.
16. The bank has also two traning colleges for its officer, viz Reserve Bank Staff College, at chennai , and College of Agriculture Banking, at Pune.
17. RBI Prints currency in 17 Languages. Apart from Hindi and English which appear on the front side of a note, 15 other languages appear on the reverse side.
18. RBI can issue currency notes as much as country require, provides it has to take security deposit of Rs. 200 Crores, out of which Rs. 115 Crores must be in gold and Rs. 85 Crores must be FOREX Reserve.
19. RBI is a member of IMF
20. At present there are total 90 banks in second schedule of Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 ( Latest inclusion - Bhartiya MAhila Bank ).
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